Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend #3

Hello Everyone!

On Friday after work I ended up doing some yard work with my boyfriend. I ended up with a huge mosquito bite. OUCH! After we finished with the yard, we decided to order pizza from Ledo's. We were starving and order 2 large pizzas thinking we were going to finish them. Well we exaggerated and did not even finish a box. Pizza leftovers for days.

On Saturday, I went to my brother's soccer game in Bowie. His team did not do well. They lost 2-1. Also, we had a farewell party at my parents' house for my cousin Derrick, who is leaving to the Navy on August 1st; it was great to see all my cousins, uncles, and aunts.

On Sunday, my brother had another soccer game in Baltimore. This time they redeemed themselves and won 7-0! The rest of my Sunday was spent working on my essay and several interruptions from my dog Rocky, who obviously wanted to help me.

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