Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fun weekend!

This weekend was perfect! Friday, i was off work, and didn't have class so i got to watch my 9 year-old niece, had the whole day to play with her, and watched tv. 
On Saturday, it was a real lazy day, mostly stayed in bed, watched dvd's, and ordered pizza hut. It was a very relaxing day, i caught up with the lost hours of sleep that i needed from the entire week of being in class and work, so it made my day, and i was content.

For Sunday, my boyfriend's dad, him, and I decided to launch the boat on the water, and try some rock-fishing by the bay.

 It was a little warm outside, but there was a real nice breeze though. We caught a good amount of fish, had a blast, and called it a day by noon.
This was the first time that i caught a fish every time i cast out a lure in the water, and i just want to keep on going, but there's always a next time. I can truly say that my weekend is pretty awesome and fun filled!


  1. I will need you to catch a fish for my recipe! :)

  2. yor niece is so adorable. Sounds like a fun weekend!
