Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekend #2

Hello Class, my weekend was amazing. On Friday, my friends and I decided to go do zumba; it was fun, energetic, and exhausting. By the time we got out of zumba class we were drenched in sweat.
 On Saturday, I cleaned my room and did some laundry. Later that day, I went to Baltimore to see my boyfriend's first semi-pro football game. It was rainy and ugly throughout the whole game. My boyfriend's team won their first game with a game winning towndown. Go Maryland Knights!
On Sunday, I did some more laundry and worked on my essay. I also went out with my boyfriend and some friends to go see the new Batman movie at Rio. While waiting for our movie to start, we decided to go on the paddle boats; it was fun! Once we got to the theater it was PACKED with teenagers, adults, and even children. Luckily, we found seats where we could all sit together. By the way the movie was really good. :)


  1. Looks like a great weekend, Michelle! You're use of punctuation is really developing too!

  2. I work in Rio, at Copper Canyon! You shuold have ate dinner there!

  3. Nice pictures guys. I see you are having fun, not like me working all the time.. lol
