Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend #1!

Hello everyone, I am sorry for writing so late! it sure has been a crazy busy weekend! Between working everyday, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and sleeping I barely have time to do anything else! After class on thursday, I went to the grocery store for my family. I bought way to much food, although I do have to let you know I live with 3 boys! They eat ALOT!

On Sunday morning, my boyfriend and I decide to take our pups swimming in the creek near my house. This is truly is the only time we have to let them get their energy out! After being coped up all week while I am in class and work they love to get out and stretch their legs. The dogs love to swim and be free to run around!  

Last but not least, I did laundry. What can I say about laundry? 


  1. Great pics, Sarah! The dogs look like so much fun!

  2. They are a handful, but i don't think I would trade them for the world!

  3. I love your dogs! sounds like a busy weekend. I live with a boy so I understand how much food is needed around or else they "die" lol.

  4. you guys really eat a lot.. lol...
    nice pics!!!

  5. Looks so much fun! Dogs are cute!
