Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Injury Disappointment

My weekend involved me not being able to play in my football game due to my recent injury to my groin. Thinking I was healed I went out on the Field for the games opening kick off and unfortunately while i was running i felt the pain rushing to my groin and had to come out. Standing on the sidelines. my couch walks over to me and tells me to take my helmet off and rest. Overwhelmed with disappointment it only got wost because we ended up losing 21-0.  

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week # 3

Hello guys!!!

This week I did not do much. I have been working y trying to get my essay done. I just wish to have more free time to enjoy with my friends. As I said before, I am going back to Ecuador in 3 weeks. I can't wait to be there with  my new nice. Her name is Valentina. She is 5 months. It is amazing to see how many cute things are for girls in the stores. I can't wait to see her. 

Weekend #3

Hello Everyone!

On Friday after work I ended up doing some yard work with my boyfriend. I ended up with a huge mosquito bite. OUCH! After we finished with the yard, we decided to order pizza from Ledo's. We were starving and order 2 large pizzas thinking we were going to finish them. Well we exaggerated and did not even finish a box. Pizza leftovers for days.

On Saturday, I went to my brother's soccer game in Bowie. His team did not do well. They lost 2-1. Also, we had a farewell party at my parents' house for my cousin Derrick, who is leaving to the Navy on August 1st; it was great to see all my cousins, uncles, and aunts.

On Sunday, my brother had another soccer game in Baltimore. This time they redeemed themselves and won 7-0! The rest of my Sunday was spent working on my essay and several interruptions from my dog Rocky, who obviously wanted to help me.

 AIDS International Conference 

 Last week, I had the opportunity to be part of the history in Washington DC. I was part of a group of volunteers who collaborated to made the AIDS international conference success and achieve their goal to inform the world about the serious effects of AIDS and advances in treatment. It was a great opportunity to share new experiences with people from all over the world. The event was well organized and powerful statement that created awareness about AIDS as a public health issue. I met great public figures with great influence in our society like President Bill Clinton and Debra Messing who are advocates of AIDS awareness. 

Weekend #3

Hello Everyone,

On friday, I went to work but it wasn't just any work day. My bestfriend who just moved back to Maryland from North Carolina started working at the same resturant. It's exciting to be able to hangout with her while we are getting paid.

My brother Zach, who recently graduationed from Virginia Tech, recieved his first car this weekend. His graduation present from my Dad was a brand new car so on Saturday he went and picked one out. He is so excited about having his own car!

On sunday, I spend the entire day working on my essay! so much fun, I know!

Fun weekend!

This weekend was perfect! Friday, i was off work, and didn't have class so i got to watch my 9 year-old niece, had the whole day to play with her, and watched tv. 
On Saturday, it was a real lazy day, mostly stayed in bed, watched dvd's, and ordered pizza hut. It was a very relaxing day, i caught up with the lost hours of sleep that i needed from the entire week of being in class and work, so it made my day, and i was content.

For Sunday, my boyfriend's dad, him, and I decided to launch the boat on the water, and try some rock-fishing by the bay.

 It was a little warm outside, but there was a real nice breeze though. We caught a good amount of fish, had a blast, and called it a day by noon.
This was the first time that i caught a fish every time i cast out a lure in the water, and i just want to keep on going, but there's always a next time. I can truly say that my weekend is pretty awesome and fun filled!

Hello Class,
This week end was very exhaustive! I went to work on Saturday, came back home and found out we were having guests before the Ramadan break. I wanted to help cooking the meals so I decided to make rice and fish. However, I might have put too much pepper. When I served the rice, I saw that people were drinking water after each spoon. I asked if it was spicy, they answered an unanimous "Yes". But the meal was so delicious they finished it all. I wonder what would have happened if it was not spicy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rain & Football

Most people would say the rain ruined their weekend; As for me it made mine. July 21st. Saturday, was my first official semi pro football game. I departed from Germantown around 1:45pm Saturday afternoon to arrive in Baltimore around 3:15. Strapping up my pads for the first time in two years, it felt phenomenal knowing that I was about to step foot onto this rubbery turf field only to lay some broncos out. The rain only intensified my game play. It made me want to run faster hit harder and play with an attitude, not caring about any body on the other side of the ball, it was game on. Bursting down the field on a play I heard a POP!, and that's when my Saturday went from great to not so great. I had pulled my groin; lucky it was in the 4th quarter so I had played most of the game. The only thing was that no body had scored which was nerve racketing knowing that I had to sit on the sidelines in excruciating pain. Surprisingly with seconds left on the clock we scored off of a defensive interception and went home with the victory.

Monday, July 23, 2012

High Fidelity

My weekend was rather uneventful. Most of my time was spent on catching up on my reading. A book that I took a great interest in was the 1995 Nick Hornby's novel: High Fidelity. The novel follows the trails and upsets of a pop culture obsessed, record store owner who has recently gone through a bad breakup. Though I am not far in the book, I do find it very enjoyable. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekend #2

Hello Class, my weekend was amazing. On Friday, my friends and I decided to go do zumba; it was fun, energetic, and exhausting. By the time we got out of zumba class we were drenched in sweat.
 On Saturday, I cleaned my room and did some laundry. Later that day, I went to Baltimore to see my boyfriend's first semi-pro football game. It was rainy and ugly throughout the whole game. My boyfriend's team won their first game with a game winning towndown. Go Maryland Knights!
On Sunday, I did some more laundry and worked on my essay. I also went out with my boyfriend and some friends to go see the new Batman movie at Rio. While waiting for our movie to start, we decided to go on the paddle boats; it was fun! Once we got to the theater it was PACKED with teenagers, adults, and even children. Luckily, we found seats where we could all sit together. By the way the movie was really good. :)

Week # 2

Hello class!!!
Even tough I worked the whole week, I had time to spend with my friends. We went to have a dinner at Green Turtle. We had such a great time. At work, everything was just fine; some days  hard and others not too bad. Also I'd like to share my happiness with you all guys. I will go back to my country, Ecuador, next month. I am very excited because I have not been there since I came here 3 years ago.

This is a picture  of the city where I was born. I can not wait to be there!
I hope everyone has a nice week and keep working on the essays.

Great Weekend !!!

I had a great weekend. Even though it was raining on saturday, the rain kept me at the house the whole day but it gave me a good opportunity to do some cleaning, laundry and tidying up my closet. I spent my evening cooking dinner for my family and playing some games with my daughters. Today the sun came up and gave me a chance to go out and enjoy a beautiful day. We went out for brunch at Carlyle Grand in Arlington, a great american restaurant. Where i had a great shrimp asian salad with my favorite fruit, mango. I ended my night with a crew meeting with my fire department team. I had a nice, relaxing, eventful weekend with family and friends. I can call myself a lucky one to have what I need and what makes me happy everyday: family, good friends and good food. 

Weekend #2

Hello ya'll!
I must inform you before i bore you to death, i am not a very exciting person. I practically do the same exact thing every weekend: work, homework, sleep, eat etc.
On Friday nightI went shopping with my Best friend Emma, who just moved back to maryland from North Carolina. It was great seeing her! We also went to dinner with my adorable grandparents!

On saturday night i didn't feel well so i was able to leave work early to go to sleep. Waking up this morning, I am still not feeling well, it must be something going around. I hope i can make it class tomorrow!  I spent most of my weekend lying in bed watching Netflix and trying to recover!

Lazy weekend

This past weekend did not turn out to be as productive as it used to be, mainly because of the rain, and just felt too lazy to go out. We just bought some good filipino foods, cooked them , and had a few beers.

Since we've been very lazy for the past two days, we decided to try fishing sunday morning down in Pasadena, Maryland.

Tides were kind of high, while the water was muddy. We tried to cast out a few lures, but without any luck, we only had few bites, and at the end, only caught a White perch, and a Spot.

The fun part was, my boyfriend received a nice fish slap by the White perch that he caught.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hey All you Awesome  Bloggers!
 I Hope everyone's weekend was a success. Because mine was an unforgettable disaster. The week of the previous weekend, I had the the most positive outlook on people who where braces. However, now that I'm a brace face, my views on this topic have totally changed upside down. You may think braces seem exciting , especially   with all thoughts fun obnoxiousness colors, but I'm here to tell you its all a big illusion. Currently, I find myself indulging Advil pills every hour. The pain is too much to handle.Not only are they painful, but I feel like a baby having to learn how to eat  and talk again. Lastly, brushing my teeth every night takes thirty minutes of my precious time.In the end, I try to remember , that in order to have perfection in life, there's always a price that needs to be payed. Hope to see you all tomorrow.
your fellow, brace face, classmate ,
Sandra Ferman

Weekend in general: Superman, conversations with a lumberjack, and fireworks

 Last Friday I decided that instead of staying at home all day, I was better off doing my favorite past time and riding my bike around my neighborhood. My cycling adventure would eventually take me to the Milestone shopping where, out of sheer curiosity; I ended up going to Best Buy to see if there was anything worth buying. To my complete joy, I came across a Blu-Ray copy of the 1978 classic Superman: The Movie. To anyone who doesn't know, Superman is probably my favorite movie of all time. If anything, I would call it the most definitive Sci-Fi/ Superhero film in existence. To cut a long 
story short, I ended buying the movie at a fairly decent price ($9.99). On my way home, I decide to take the bus.  While I was on the bus I came across a fellow who had crutches and a cast on his right leg. Out of curiosity, I asked the man how he had hurt his leg. Apparently the man, who works as a lumberjack, had fallen from a two-story house while in the line of duty. His foot was so badly damaged that it required tons of surgery. Despite the fact that his injuries kept him away from the job that he loved, the man seemed to be in good spirits. When I asked 
where he was heading, he said he was going to the Lakeforest area to see the fire works with his girlfriend. I was curious, Independence Day was a week ago, so why would there be a firework show on July the 13th?  He explained to me how, due to weather problems, many places had canceled their fireworks show, he also said that there was bound to be more fireworks this time than they would have been on July fourth. It didn't take much thought for me to decide how I was going spend the rest of my Friday. After we went our separate ways, I trekked around more places in Gaithersburg before returning to the Lakeforest area. When the fire works finally went off, it was hard not to be dazzled. They exuded an excitement and  happiness that I honestly don't feel often. When I wasn't smiling like an idiot at the fireworks, I was also taking pictures of it on my phone and sending it to all my friends. The show lasted for about 30 minutes. After the show was over, decided to finally head home. Days like these prove that I am better off following my instincts regarding what I should do. If I had not had listened to my instincts, I doubt I would be even telling this story.

Over this pass weekend I took a solo trip to Willingborow, New Jersey for my cousins graduation party. Driving from Potomac, Maryland to Jersey was exciting due to the fact that I was by myself just me and the open road of  I95. I Drove through Delaware, over the Delaware Memorial Bridge into New Jersey seeing lots of different interesting things. This trip also allowed me to open my mind and think about things that have been on my mind for sometime. 

Cirque du SoleilMichael Jackson Immortal

This weekend I had the opportunity to experience to attend one of the most incredible live performances that I have ever seen. The Cirque du Soleil was a spectacular show, which combined visuals, dance, music and fantasy to create Michael Jackson’s music for all five senses. The show is a tribute to Michael Jackson and his legend.  The Cirque du Soleil adapts circus style acts into a new modern and innovative live show in the twenty first century. I highly recommend it.  

Weekend Jersey getaway.

Me and my boyfriend decided to explore New Jersey for the weekend, main reason is that I wanted him to try out our awesome Filipino fastfood "Jolibee" and to go out of town just to relax. We got a nice hotel in Hoboken and plotted our itinerary, then decided to stay in Jersey overnight.

Along the trip, I just focused on trying out the foods and looking around to see what its like in jersey because its both our first time, while he is busy exploring the neighborhood since people told us different opinions about going there. Considering that some of his friends said that it was a bad area and much better for us to just head up to New York instead, we find Jersey a nice place if you plan to go on a vacation. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hello everyone!!!

I'm sorry for posting it too late, but I had to work the entire weekend until late!!!
However, I went over my friend's house tonight to have dinner, tonight. I ate an American soup that off the top of my head I can't remember the name of the soup, but It was delicious. I enjoyed talking to my friend and her family. She has a wonderful family. I usually go over her house every Sunday.
I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for tomorrow.
I will see you then.

Weekend #1!

Hello everyone, I am sorry for writing so late! it sure has been a crazy busy weekend! Between working everyday, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and sleeping I barely have time to do anything else! After class on thursday, I went to the grocery store for my family. I bought way to much food, although I do have to let you know I live with 3 boys! They eat ALOT!

On Sunday morning, my boyfriend and I decide to take our pups swimming in the creek near my house. This is truly is the only time we have to let them get their energy out! After being coped up all week while I am in class and work they love to get out and stretch their legs. The dogs love to swim and be free to run around!  

Last but not least, I did laundry. What can I say about laundry? 

Lesson Planning and Lord of the Rings

Hey Class!

I'm currently finalizing plans for tomorrow's lesson, but I wanted to take some time to post about my weekend too. Originally, I had honorable goals for a very productive weekend, but I made the dreaded mistake of turning on my Playstation 3. Like every other 13-year-old gamer, I got sucked into the charming video-game world of Middle-earth. Quite honestly, I sat on the couch for three hours while I controlled an awesome warrior-elf that maimed hordes of orcs and trolls. My thumbs are actually sore from the button-mashing. I should have gone for a run instead.

Prof. D