Thursday, June 28, 2012

Welcome to the Blog!

Dear New Student:

I know you're dreading this "blog" nonsense. You're thinking, "I spend too much time with Prof. Decker in class! Now he wants me to blog about my weekends.  Pfft." Well, don't feel that way! This blog's purpose is for you to practice writing without worrying about the grade. I want you to enjoy this part of the class requirements, which basically means, "Have Fun." It shouldn't hurt to mention that you also earn free credit points with every thoughtful post :)

Here's the plan:

- Every weekend you will take 30 minutes to write one paragraph (at least five sentences) about an event you enjoyed during the weekend (birthdays, family BBQs, travels, etc.).  The goal is to be descriptive, so take this as an opportunity to paint with your words.  Describe the event, explain why you enjoyed it, and appeal to your readers' senses.


- I want you to write grammatically correct sentences that appropriately use punctuation. It is important that your blog posts demonstrate what you have learned in class.  

- Four weekends will pass between the beginning of class (July 9th) and the end (August 9th).  You are required to write a minimum of three posts as well as to comment on at least two other student posts.  

Finally, I want to encourage every student to post pictures to this blog. Allow the pictures to inspire your writing and creativity. By the end of the semester, each one of your posts will come together to form a truly exciting, enjoyable, and (dare I say) educational shared blog. Happy writing!

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